Future Mobility Campus Ireland (FMCI)

Environmental Policy Statement

We are committed to:

  • Complying fully with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice, and regulations.
  • Assessing the environmental impacts of our operations, continuously seeking to reduce pollution, and improving our resource efficiency through the reduction of energy use and waste.
  • Promoting environmental and energy awareness with our employees through participation and training.
  • Working with our customers to make more environmentally sensitive choices.
  • Monitoring our progress to ensure ongoing improvements in our environmental performance.
  • Communicating this policy to stakeholders and the public and working with our neighbours to improve the community.

Russell Vickers & Johanne Flinn

Other specific issues relating to the Future Mobility Environmental Policy include:

1. Energy

  • Reducing our carbon footprint as part of a carbon management strategy.
  • Optimising energy efficiency and conservation in all operations.
  • Controlling and managing energy efficiency in our business and promoting energy efficiency.
  • Reducing the impact of transportation of our goods.


2. Waste

  • Actively promoting reuse and recycling both internally and amongst our suppliers and customers.
  • Minimising waste generation by applying reuse and recycle options where possible.
  • Minimising waste generation and unnecessary resource usage during the stages of planning, design, commissioning, and operation of new and existing processes, and equipment.
  • Reducing packaging on all our products where feasible through better design.


3. Continuous Improvement

  • Setting specific improvement targets, monitoring progress, and communicating results internally.
  • Continually improving through the development of environmental performance evaluation procedures and associated indicators.
  • Developing specific objectives to continually improve our environmental performance.
  • Setting objectives and targets for continuous improvement. Measure and review our performance regularly and communicate the results.
  • Continually performing improvement in minimising environmental impacts of our business.
  • Promoting continuous improvement by setting, monitoring, and reviewing our environmental targets and objectives.


4. Procurement

  • Choosing suppliers that adopt best environmental practices and make this the procurement policy of our company.
  • Purchasing products and services that have the least environmental impact, where this is feasible.
  • Encouraging suppliers and contractors to implement sustainable environmental systems.
  • Minimising the use of hazardous chemicals and solvents.
  • Supporting local suppliers as possible.


5. Awareness/Training

  • Encouraging environmental awareness among our employees and customers through appropriate communication and training programmes.
  • Promoting environmental awareness throughout our business.
  • Ensuring that all employees understand our environmental policy and conform to its standards.
  • Continuous training of all staff in all environment-related issues.
  • Informing and motivating all of our staff and encouraging them to play an active role in committing to our environmental policy