Our Roadside Infrastructure

You Have Access to a Comprehensive Connected Road Network

Our Infrastructure

The FMCI testbed provides access to a distinctive and advanced infrastructure comprising roadside monitoring devices, vehicle communication setup with various protocols, traffic management, comprehensive edge compute and data management solutions, EV charging, and more; all in a live, real-world environment for urban scenarios. This setup offers thorough and detailed testing and trial assessments, generating valuable data for a wide array of projects in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), infrastructure, services, and product developments.

What's On?

Our testbed comprises of a 4km of private fibre network that is connected directly to our data centre. Examples of technologies that are installed on our roadside infrastructure include:

Open Testbed

FMCI’s open testbed of publicly accessible road network within the Shannon Industrial Estate. The testbed is highly connected with fibre network to our dedicated data centre. It is equipped with multiple sensors, CCTV, a set of traffic lights along with high accuracy location systems, as well as a data management and control centre. Check out this interactive map to see more details.

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